Now. let me start off with saying that i'm not an expert on TV's. My first HDTV was a Vizio 42 inch 1080p that i bought almost 5 years ago after high school. It looked great. I Paid $420 for it. I thought i got a pretty good deal on it. Fast forward to 2018 and 4k is still settling in and technology is moving forward. I was at
work during Prime week and the website was terribly slow but i still wanted to see what they had in stock. I

stumbled across this TV as i was going to be in the market for one during the holiday season 2018. When i found this TV, I was shocked at how much it was! $280! For a 50 inch 4k Fire TV with Alex built in, That's almost half the cost of my old vizio. I thought it was too good to be true. Reviews were mixed but i wanted to take a stab at it anyways. I ordered it and it was here 3 days later. My initial impressions were "eh". Setup was a breeze but there was more than that i had noticed. I decided on comparing it with my vizio with some Good Mythical Morning on YouTube. I Know it's compressed video but it was the best i had to work with at first. I watched one episode and I was kind of Disappointed. The Brightness was good but the color was kind of dull overall and over saturated on some parts of the image like a person's face, but i wasn't giving up there. Setting the TV's Picture color setting from default to natural completely changed the game. The Color was great! Everything seemed correct with pulling up a color correction test on YouTube and it looked great! The Speakers were OK but that doesn't bother me because i have a dedicated 5.1 Surround System that blows the socks on the TV speakers. I really wanted a bigger size TV overall since the 42 inch wasn't quite the size I wanted. The 50 Inch was the perfect size for my TV stand and it matched the room which is a pretty small living room but it worked just fine. Now it's $400 and i still think it's a good deal considering my 42 inch was $20 more. I run the TV 1080p still because my laptop does not output 4k but It still looks great. The Fire TV portion is good for what it offers. More Ad's than I liked but for the value, No big deal. The 4k Netflix Shows look great. HDR Looks really good. The only downside to this TV for me is when i'm playing Dolby Digital through any apps on the smart portion of the TV, the volume seems to fluctuate. I'm sure this can be fixed with a software update but It's what i experienced. I would give it a go if you're interested in getting a good TV for the Money and hey if It doesn't work out, 30 Day Return!
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