OK, so right off the bat I will say "WOW". For about $170, I was not expecting a lot of bells and whistles, which is fine for a newly converted "exercise room". Upon delivery I was amazed at how light this TV was. While mounting on an articulating arm mount, I actually held it in place with one hand while I screwed it into
the mounts. I was fearing it to be a "toy" quality because of it's light weight, but once I turned it on, I was

pleasantly surprised. The colors are great, it is rich in features and has some very intuitive interface design qualities.
-- It's a smart TV, and happily the features work great. It connected to my WiFi with no problems and the connection is strong (meaning the internal adapter is well made). Previously I've had issues with Vizio TV's connecting, so this was a great relief. The integrated Roku works flawlessly and the set up was easy and intuitive. It quickly walked me though my Roku, Hulu, Amazon and other accounts.
Since this TV is in a room not served by cable or satellite, I connected it to a very handy Winegard FL-55YR FlatWave Indoor Antenna and VIOLA! I had 40 channels of OTA TV to augment my Roku.
The remote is small and is just like a normal Roku remote with the addition of channel and volume controls plus a handy mute button. And as a fantastic BONUS - by adding a thumb drive to the TV's rear USB port, you can pause live TV for up to 90 minutes. That was totally unexpected and a really nice surprise. (NOTE- they suggest a 16GB drive or less. Anything more won't extend the 90 minutes and would be wasted space).
Bottom line: Great little TV, lots of features; great interface, Smart TV that works -- and it has an earphone jack if you need it.
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