


I reviewed my first VIZIO TV nearly two years ago and my high opinion of the company's products remains as unswerving as their steadfastness to their motto, "Where Vision Meets Value." Their VO47LF, with its beautiful picture and friendly operation, simply reaffirms my belief.

VIZIO does not push the envelope by offering the newest gee whiz gadgets on their HDTVs. For example, their first 120 HZ LCD won't be released until later this summer. But this strategy allows them to purchase tried and true technologies and proven display panels at a competitive price. And that is how they can market a high quality 47" 1080p LCD for $1500.

I believe that the designers at VIZIO don't try to reinvent the wheel, simply refine it. The result is a TV that's familiar, which, for me, is just as compelling as the price. I feel as if I am slipping on a comfortable pair of walking shoes and I can stroll around my TV neighborhood for hours without a pinch or a rub.

Performance: 4.0 4.0 Star RatingI know better looking HDTVs are available. Heck, VIZIO's plasma line has the richer black levels that connoisseurs desire. But for the other 95% of us who just want to buy a big, great looking HDTV for a reasonable price, the VO47LF performs like a champ.Features: 4.5 4.5 Star RatingFour

HDMI supports standard, enhanced, or high-definition video, plus multi-channel digital audio, and interactive controls on a single cable. It transmits all ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committe) HDTV standards and supports 8-channel digital audio. First product releases using HDMI occurred in 2003." class=gloss>HDMI inputs, extensive PIP and POP options, an elegant backlit remote control, and an HDMI cable thrown in, what more do you need from a TV? Of course, if you desire a USB or an Ethernet port, then subtract up to a whole point.Ease of Use: 4.5 4.5 Star RatingFor me, ease of use begins when I open the box and find an HDMI cable that I don't have to scurry around to buy. It continues with basic but responsive picture adjustment controls. In fact every step of the way, the folks at VIZIO do an admirable job of designing a person-friendly HDTV.Value: 5.0 5 Star RatingAs I rate this TV, I keep thinking, "it could have a USB port or deeper Black Levels or (fill in the blank), but for the price... Indeed, for the price, this high performing 1080p HDTV earns a 5 Star rating.Ratings are relative to when the review was written. The obvious example is Value, what you could purchase for $2000 two years ago or even two months ago would seem like a bad value for that price now. We have given only a precious few 5 Star ratings, which we reserve for truly outstanding accomplishment.Bookmark:     Reddit     Google

11/23/14 - 09:16 AM PST | ©1999-2014

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